Gilmore Supports the Burnaby Christmas Bureau and Seniors at Seton Villa

“Thanks for your support with your fabulous toy drive [and] wonderful contributions to our Christmas Bureau!” ~ Burnaby Community Services

We had an amazing response to this year’s Angel Project (gifts for children through the Burnaby Christmas Bureau) and our new local initiative, Be a Santa to a Senior at Seton Villa. With all of the gifts collected, we were able to pass on over 130 gifts to the Burnaby Christmas Bureau and over 60 presents to our seniors. In addition, we also delivered personalized cards from classes addressed to individual seniors at Seton Villa. This greatly exceeded our initial goal of ensuring that all seniors at Seton Villa without families would get at least one gift. We cannot thank everyone enough for their kindness and generosity! Thank you, Gilmore Community for making it all happen!!

“I received the packages yesterday and from the bottom of my heart thank you SO much for all do the hard work that went into this from the kids and organizers. And what a fantastic idea Marcy for the names! I’m so glad we did that because we’ve never had personalized letters before and it’s just going to be so extra special. I’ll be sure to take lots of pic-tures when we distribute. Thank you so much again, Alexis” ~ Seton Villa Retirement Centre