Heights Coffee Holiday Gift Box Fundraiser

Together with our friends at the Heights Coffee Company, we’ve come up with some great holiday gift options for Gilmore families. Partial proceeds from all sales will be donated to our Community Council in support of our students and to the Community Office in support of the families participating in the Gilmore Cares program. All orders will be made through School Cash Online.
Gift Boxes will be delivered to your child at school on the following designated dates:
- Orders received by November 29 will be delivered December 1
- Orders received by December 13 will be delivered December 15
- No orders will be accepted after December 13
The Angel Project
The Angel Project is a Burnaby-wide toy drive. It is a way for the community to support the Burnaby Christmas Bureau by collecting toys and gifts at schools and in the workplace.
At Gilmore Community School we have received 150 decorative angel themed cards with the various ages of elementary school children written on each one. They will be hung on a Christmas tree by the main office or in front of the kindergarten classrooms. Families and school staff are encouraged to “Be an Angel” by picking up a card and buying a gift appropriate for the age of the child on the card.
Bring the new, unwrapped toy or gift to school (along with the tag) and place it under either tree sometime before December 10.
Every donated gift will be given to a child in need.
Connected to this will be an opportunity to purchase a gift for a senior-in-need at Seton Villa Retirement Centre.
Please select the special yellow and red cards on the trees in the school, if you would like to purchase a gift for one of our seniors. Please have your child bring the gift for a senior by Dec. 16th.