May 17th, 2022 Community Council Meeting

May 17th, 2022 is the next PAC Meeting 7-8pm

We want to invite All Parents & Incoming Parents to come to the school on Tuesday, May 17th for our first in-person meeting. It is a great opportunity to see the school (tours welcome), eat some snacks, meet fellow school families, and hear about the upcoming year. Babysitting will be available. 

6:30-7:00pm Community Meeting Room – Meet & Greet (snacks & school tours) 

7:00-8:00pm School Library – Annual General Meeting (election & event info) 

The members of the council get elected at the AGM. No experience on a Council or PAC is necessary. We welcome all and would love for you to get involved and support your child’s experience at school. Zoom option will be available, please rsvp Courtenay at to receive the link.