
The Gilmore Community Council (GCC) is a representation of the parents and community members living or working in the catchment of Gilmore Community School in Burnaby. It strives to promote and facilitate communication between parents and the school, actively develop Gilmore school spirit and community connections, and positively support and enhance the elementary school experience for our children.

GCC members contribute to the Gilmore community through volunteering at the school, coordinating events and developing fundraising opportunities.

Every parent with a child at Gilmore Community School is automatically a member of the Gilmore Community Council.

As a Community School in Burnaby, members of the broader Burnaby Heights community can also electively be members. This includes anyone who lives or works in the Gilmore catchment (excluding Burnaby School District and Ministry of Education employees who may act as facilitators or liaisons).

We encourage you to check this website regularly, as it will be the hub for all important information related to the GCC throughout the school year.


Gilmore Community Council Executives

Contact Us

Council Executive (2023-2024)

Camille Parente chair@gilmorecouncil.ca



Pam Warner, Heather Telford secretary@gilmorecouncil.ca

David Autiero
Cathy Autiero

Committee Representatives (2023-2024)

Camille Parente & David Autiero


Hot Lunch:
Joanne Tishenko, Maud Blanc & Cathy Joe

Grade 7 Leaving Committee:
Joanne Tishenko, Jane , Pascal, Heather

BC Fruit + Vegetable Program:
Deana Bobic

Emergency Preparedness:
Jennifer Aldridge, Deana Bobic, Marcy McCabe

Erin Bresnan & Steff Kobialka, Cathy Joe, Rachel

Greening /Garden:
Christine C., Jennifer Russell